

【由里設計傅瓊慧、李肯】台南知名伴手禮甜點店 「名坂奇洋菓子」 狂攬2020金點獎、TID Award雙料大獎!

【由里設計傅瓊慧、李肯】台南知名伴手禮甜點店 「名坂奇洋菓子」 狂攬2020金點獎、TID Award雙料大獎!


在現實的場域,由里設計 傅瓊慧 設計總監、李肯 主持設計師 築了一個夢幻境地,走進去,甜點如魔法輕施,在人的味蕾上跳動、翻攪,瞬間曳引出舌尖上的歡愉。將甜點予人身心抽象的“幸福感”,具象化為空間設計時,味覺移渡至全感官的體驗,當人們身置如糖如蜜的包覆裡,大作夢境的美妙時刻即將開始。

Yuli Design Chiung-Hui Fu design director and Ken Lee chief designer build a dreamland in the real world. Upon walking inside, the desserts charm the visitors, stirring their taste buds with delight. The design materializes this sense of well-being. The tastes transmit to the bodily sensations. The dream has just begun as people wrapped in honey and sugar.


創造跳脫日常的奇幻劇場 Create an Extraordinary Fantasty Land


The client pioneered the creative industry of pastry with his constant experiments. Accordingly, we create a theater of new scenography beyond ordinary life, bringing everyone into an imaginary world. The creative desserts work like a magic wand, turning the pastry into a sweet expectation of happiness. Whoever walks into the shop will be attracted by the setting and slip into the space-time of fairy tale that opens up the fantastic journey of taste and vision.


The illusionary and yet existent balloons are floating, flying unicorn running above the head, and the dense white flowers extend from the ceiling, like the alpine flowers growing on the cliff, weaving together a sense of surreal setting.



The setting turns the clock back to Medieval French. The sense of history fills every corner of the space. The preserved portion of the original building and the traces of formwork left intentionally on the ceiling and columns create a patina effect. Similar elements are the molding on the wall, pipelines and appliances, the brick masonry door frame, the chandelier and embedded lights, guardian-angel mural, plastic balloon, and the unicorn. They meet mid-air four meters above the floor, giving forth a disorienting vastness with its dynamism of descending order.

精緻唯美vs.個性粗獷 Sophistication vs. Roughness


The elongated platform with classical molding rest on the cupboard that contains the ingredients of pastry making, defining the freedom of shuttling between the modern and the classical in space and time.


The classical arc is used on the arch door, wall surface, light stand, couch, cupboard feet, chair, and the golden spiral staircase that leads to the second floor. The lines soften the space, responding to the dreamy scene of the fantastic lovely forest.


幸福感象徵物的集體組成 Symbolizing a Sense if Well-being


Light also contributes to a sense of well-being. Lighting enhances the translucent brightness in the day time. As the night falls, the dreamland turns into a cottage in the mysterious deep forest. Lighting thus becomes the constellation shining through the holes, as if the genius were waiting quietly for their night.


Another design narrative collects the objects that symbolize well-being and divide them into several story zones. The first floor is where the goddesses and princesses descent with angel guardians. The chandelier shines like a supernova. The pet animals on the second floor, the flowers, deers, and birds, the silky velvet of coral color, and the beige flower setting, paint a the chiaroscuro of dreamland. The beige color mediates the brown and golden colors amidst the multitude of subject areas. The bright spot of orange couch reveals the nexus of the place.






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  • 2021 杜拜 CID設計大賽 軟裝設計類 銀獎

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  • 2021 中國 APDC 餐飲空間類 大獎 / 佳作獎

  • 2021 德國 iF 住宅空間類 Finalist

  • 2021 義大利 A'design award 商業空間類 銀獎

  • 2020 法國 MAISON&OBJET Design Award 室內設計-居住空間類 銅獎

  • 2020 全球華人傑出設計金創獎 商業空間類 金獎

  • 2020 全球華人傑出設計金創獎 陳設軟裝類 金獎

  • 2020 金點設計獎 標章得主

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由里室內設計,榮獲德國iF設計大獎、中國金外灘獎、新加坡SIDA設計獎等國多項肯定;室內設計出眾的美感思維及超群的設計力,獲得國際的高度肯定及評價。台北-台中-台南服務項目:自地自建規劃 、室內設計、商業空間規劃、精品店設計、商業空間設計、展示中心設計。